
English Peng'im Chinese Audio
black pepper hou(7) jio1 胡椒
bowl uan2
bread mi7 bao1 麵包
breakfast ja(6) chang1 早餐
butter eung(7) iu5 黄油
ghu(7) iu5 牛油
chewy yung7
chopsticks deu7
congee mue5
cooked sek8
crispy sou1
egg noodles mi7
fish sauce heu(7) jui2 鱼水
fork che1
fried rice cha(6) beung7 炒饭
garlic chive cake gu(6) chai(2) gue2 韭菜粿
hungry dou2 kung3 肚困
ice bian1 seung1 冰霜
ice cream ga7 lem1 [?][?]
knife do1
leftover chung5
meal chang1
msg bhi7 jeng1 味精
oil iu5
raw chen1
rice beung7
rice (uncooked) bhi2
rice noodles gue(6) diao5 粿条
rice vermicelli bhi(6) hung2 米粉
salt iam5
salty giam5
soup teung1
soy sauce si7 iu5 豉油
spoon teung1 si5 汤匙
sugar teung5
sweet diam5
thirsty ao5 da1 喉灱
to boil bu5
to brew (with hot water) chong1
to cook jeu2
to cook rice bu(7) beung7 煲饭
to eat jiah8
to knead chip8
to pan fry luah4
to stir fry cha2
to taste chi3
chi(2) jiah8 试食
chi(2) toin2 试睇
to wash dishes soi(6) uan2 洗碗


English Peng'im Chinese Audio
fruit chen1 gue2 生果
vegetables chai3
apple peng(7) gue2 苹果
banana geng1 jio1 弓蕉
basil gim1 buk(8) huang3 金不换
bean sprouts dao7 ghe5 豆芽
beans dao7
bitter melon kou(6) gue1 苦瓜
black olive ou1 nam2 乌榄
cabbage go1 le6 高丽
carrot ang(7) chai(2) tao5 红菜头
chili pepper hiam1 jio1 莶椒
hiam1 jio1 gian2 莶椒囝
chives gu(6) chai3 韭菜
corn huang1 bheh8 番麦
cucumber diao(2) gue1 吊瓜
durian tou(7) liang5 涂凉
eggplant gio5
garlic seung(2) tao5 蒜头
ginger gion1
grapes pu(7) do5 葡萄
green onion chang1
herbs chao(6) gian2 草囝
jicama beh(4) guah4 白葛
jujube ang(7) jo2 红枣
lettuce pang1 chai3 芳菜
lime seung1 gan1 酸柑
lotus root nai(7) gao6 莲厚
mushroom gou1
napa cabbage beh(4) chai3 白菜
onion ang(7) chang1 红葱
orange gan1
papaya la7 hong5 [?][?]
bhak(4) gue1 木瓜
ni(7) gue1 奶瓜
pineapple ang(7) lai5 红梨
radish chai(2) tao5 菜头
taro ou7
tofu dao7 hu7 豆腐
tomato ang(7) mo(7) gio5 红毛茄
watermelon si1 gue1 西瓜
winter melon dang1 gue1 冬瓜
wood ear bhak(4) yeu2 木耳


English Peng'im Chinese Audio
meat bhah4
beef ghu(7) bhah4 牛肉
chicken (meat) goi1 bhah4 鸡肉
Chinese sausage guang(2) chiang5 灌肠
lah(4) chiang5 腊肠
crab hoi6
dried, shredded pork bhah(8) yong5 肉绒
duck (meat) ah(8) bhah4 鸭肉
eggs neung6
fish heu5
ground meat bhah(8) cho3 肉脞
lobster leng(7) he5 龙虾
meatball bhah(8) in5 肉圆
meatball (beef) ghu(7) bhah(8) in5 牛肉圆
pork deu1 bhah4 猪肉
shrimp he5


English Peng'im Chinese Audio
alcohol jiu2
beer bhek(4) jiu2 蜜酒
coffee gu1 bi5 咖啡
lemonade seung1 gan1 jui2 酸柑水
milk ghu(7) ni6 牛奶
milk tea ni(7) de5 奶茶
orange juice gan1 jap4 柑汁
soda gan1 jui2 柑水
ki(2) jui2 汽水
tea de5
to make coffee chong1 gu1 bi5 冲咖啡
to make tea chong1 de5 冲茶
water jui2
wine pu(7) do(7) jiu2 葡萄酒